Robert Velarde has provided services to numerous organizations, working on various
projects and efforts. The following is a partial list:
- Focus on the Family
- The Truth Project
- North American Mission Board
- Redeemer Presbyterian Church, Manhattan
- Mars Hill Church, Seattle
- Baker Publishing Group
- InterVarsity Press
- Kregel Publications
- NavPress
- Denver Seminary
- Southern Evangelical Seminary
- Dr. Robert Jeffress
- Dr. Michael Brown
- Dr. David Jeremiah
- Docent Research Group
- National Day of Prayer Task Force
- Every Home for Christ
- Sonlight Curriculum
- Christian Research Institute
- Christian Research Journal
- Watchman Fellowship
- Areopagus Journal
- Apologia Report
- Christian Media Magazine
- International Students, Inc.
- First Pres Colorado Springs
- Evangelical Ministries to New Religions
- Grad Resources
- Minister Search